

The Laboratory of Engineering Geology has the required mechanical equipment to carry out all laboratory tests of Soil Mechanics, Rock Mechanics, Soil Suitability and Aggregate Materials. The laboratory tests are carried out in accordance with the applicable Greek and international standards (ASTM, ΕΝ, BS, ISRM, E105-86, E105-84, etc.). It also has the required equipment for monitoring of the landslide kinematics and equipment for various field work

·            Soil Mechanics Tests

Identification properties: moisture, degree of saturation, apparent weight, specific gravity, void ratio, porosity, relative density

Sort properties: granular gradation, limits - cohesiveness indicators swelling, carbonates - organic matter, water permeability

Mechanical properties: unconstrained compression, direct shear, triaxial compression (UU, CUPP, CD), rotational shear, one-dimensional solidification, large-dimensional shear (30×30 cm)

·            Rock Mechanics Tests

Resistance to relaxation, ultrasonic velocities, hardness, mechanical strength parameters (point loading, uniaxial compression, tensile strength – Brazilian), triaxial compression, deformability parameters. (modulus of elasticity, Poisson's ratio), shear strength of discontinuities.


·            Soil Suitability Tests

Condensation against Proctor, Californian Logo Bearing Capacity (CBR), cone and sand compaction control

·            Aggregates Quality Control Tests

Geometric Properties: grain-gradation, plate-marker, elongation-marker, shape-marker, sand-equivalent-marker

Physical properties: specific gravity and absorption moisture

Mechanical properties: Micro-Deval resistance, abrasion and impact resistance with the device Los Angeles, Polish Resistance Index (PSV), Impact Resistance Index ( Impact Value), decay resistance ("health")

Chemical Properties of inerts

·            Equipment for instrumental monitoring of the kinematics of landslides with two portable electronic inclinometer systems and a piezometer

·            Weather stations, GNSS and permanent installation inclinometers  to monitor the kinematics of landslides in real time

·            Velodyne Real time 3D Lidar sensor with stations NAS to store the data using a fixed or mobile network

·            System Velodyne Real time 3D Lidar sensor

·            Unmanned Aircraft System (UAV)/UAV

·            Equipment for On-Site Plate Loading Tests


Laboratory of Engineering
University of