The Engineering Geology Laboratory (EnGeo) established in 1988 as an organic unit of the Department of Geology of the University of Patras and became autonomous in the year 2000 with the Decree 284/2000. It has made a significant contribution to the educational and research activities of the Department for many years and has modern laboratory and scientific equipment used in various research areas. It is active in research issues related to the study and operation of engineering works and their effects on the environment, with geohazards and their treatment being a main focus of the laboratory's research. The research team of the Laboratory includes faculty members, PhD students, postgraduate students and external scientific collaborators.
The laboratory also functions as a Service Unit (SO.P.Y.) of the ELKE University of Patras (https://mopy.upatras.gr/researcher/engeo/), providing its services in the fields of Engineering Geology, Geology of Engineering Works and Rock Mechanics.